PIFD Jobs 2023 Pakistan Institute of Fashion & Design
Pakistan Institute of Fashion & Design PIFD Jobs
PIFD Jobs.You have come at right website here we provide you fully details about Pakistan Institute of Fashion & Design PIFD Jobs .
Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design is a public design institution largely located in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan .Pakistan School of Fashion and Design by the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan, a department within the Ministry of Commerce and Textile Industry.
The close association between the textile industry, business and arts communities is intended to foster multi-disciplinary education and research.
Different types of vacancies announced by PIFD.Applicants apply for the positions of Professor, Associate Professor, Course Coordinator, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Teaching Associate, and Estate Officer.
The last date for receiving of applications will update soon.Situations of advertisement published in Daily Express and Daily Jang.
Pakistan Institute of Fashion & Design Jobs
Available Positions:
Associate Professor
Course Coordinator
Assistant Professor
Associate Estate Officer
Required Qualification/Education:
Master Degree
Bachelor Degree
Any Province of PakistanPunjabSindhKPKBalochistan
update soon
How to apply Pakistan Institute of Fashion & Design PIFD Jobs:
Eligible candidates may download application form from www.pifd.edu.pk and bank deposit slip and send along with complete CV and other compulsory document which mentioned on advertisement formFor more detail please check out below advertisement form
Pakistan Institute of Fashion & Design PIFD Jobs 2023 |